
What is Fantasy doing right.

So we have by now all seen the Fantasy Carnival presentation for 2012.

They have taken the Carnival Blogosphere by storm and in my opinion have the best looking costumes for this year SO FAR.

What have they done right to creat this hype.

1. A bit of “Originality”.  I have only been doing this carnival thing from 2005 and can only talk about that year onwards, but I haven’t seen any band do the wing thing like this.  It’s a refreshing change from the usual. I’m sure that someone has done wings in the past but I can’t remember hearing about any band doing wings like this.

2. Frontline backlines.  The backline costumes this year have really, really sucked!  Some other bands just give you a bikini and splash some gems on it and BAM! thats your female costume.  Fantasy have backline costumes that look like costumes. Your costume looks similar to the frontline costume (on a feather ration).  This makes it much more bang for the buck, and the huge wings make frontline still frontline. Showing the front and backlines was also a good move that several other bands didn’t do.

3. Social media

.  Fantasy have leveraged social media to their advantage.  Though not as effectively as YUMA did a year ago they are taking facebook by storm and now that they have spread their wings (pun intended) their facebook numbers are sure to skyrocket.

On the other hand, the male costumes, to my disappointment, sucked.  That is to say they followed the status quo.  No options shown.  What about a band that shows a bare bones male costume and another one for guys who want something different?  More.  Oh well..like I have stated, this year I will choose a good band and section and put together a costume more pleasing to the eye.  Will it be in Fantasy??

See more pics of Fantasy launch at Trinidad and tobago carnival costume photos


This weekend coming will be when decisions are made.  See you then!


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2 thoughts on “What is Fantasy doing right.

  • Lehwego

    The female costumes alive and well. It’s just the male ones in need of a bit of variety.  One thoughtful band can fix everything.  

  • Trinidad carnival continues to die a slow death, and Fantasy’s male costumes are evidence of this :/

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