
Taking the carnival physique to the next level

thickFor the last few years I have been stressing the joys of hitting the road for carnival not as merely another guy but as a well toned and muscled young(ish) man in prime physical shape. Being in excellent shape makes you feel great about yourself, and good self esteem shows in your smile and how you carry yourself.

While many people can motivate themselves to work out hard just for the sake of working out I am not one of them. I need a goal. Something to work out for!
Carnival is a great motivating tool but it’s time to take things to a higher level now.

I have already hired a trainer and have decided to set myself a long term goal of competing in Jamaica’s amateur body building associations competition next year.  By that time I will qualify for the masters section (which is no walk over) and I will also compete in the open category for all comers.

It’s going to take some balls (no pun intended) to go up there in a pair of speedos but I KNOW that I am a goal oriented person and once the goal is set….the work WILL get done!

As for this year I will try to get my feet wet.  I have been asked to simply go on stage and demonstrate for next years inaugural Physique section.  This is a competition where the guys wear board shorts (like in carnival) and are only required to walk up on stage and look “aesthetically pleasing”.  Much less balls will be needed (or visible), but it’s great practise for next year and I need practise cause I HATE going up in front of large audiences!

This is the path I have chosen.  It is not the path you must choose.  Find something you like, a sport, a local competition of some kind.  Set your mind to it and commit yourself to it (financially).

For example, join a local Crossfit club!

In the end it will be one more step towards being the best you can possibly be and fulfilling your promise for 2014!


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