BarbadosCarnival Info


Take a look at another article by our friends at BAZODEE MAGAZINE.




When is the best time to travel to Barbados?
A look at our Crop Over Events List shows that most of the popular events as well as the nonstop partying begins the Wednesday before Grand Kadooment Weekend (July 29th, 2015). So if you don’t want to miss these events, book your flight for around that time.


Where are the best places to stay?

Most persons usually stay at the hotels located on the South Coast of the island. However, the most popular among them are: Accra, Barbados Beach Club, Coconut Court, Infinity On The Beach, Marriott, Ocean Two, Time Out, Radisson and Rostrevor.



What is the distance from the South Coast of the island to the Kadooment starting point?

Roughly 11 km (7 miles) with an average travel time of 15 to 20 minutes in good traffic. The average taxi fare is $15 to $20 USD. See HERE



What currencies are accepted in Barbados?

Other than Barbadian currency, US dollars are accepted. The exchange rate is $1 USD = $2 BBD.



Where can I purchase tickets for the various Crop Over events?
First try sourcing tickets at and If the particular events are not listed on these sites, then the next step would be to go to the social media page of the event and see if ticket information is listed there. If all else fails, contact the event promoters directly via e-mail, social media messaging or calling any listed numbers.



What is Foreday Morning?

While similar to J’ouvert in design, Foreday Morning is unique to Crop Over. It occurs in the wee hours of the Saturday morning of Grand Kadooment weekend. Bands meet at different points in Bridgetown and follow various routes to the end point on Spring Garden Highway.

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What are the Foreday Morning band options and where can I find information on registration?

This year there are 53 registered bands, so the options are vast. However, a number of them are known as the ‘popular’ bands compared to the others. Visit HERE for a complete list of the band options along with the 10 most popular bands as well as photographs of the packages offered and links to the Facebook page of each band, where registration information can be obtained.



When is Kadooment Day usually held?

Kadooment Day is always on the first Monday in August, every year. So you don’t have to wait until the official word is given, you can plan your trip way in advance.



What is the starting point for Kadooment bands?

Unlike other carnivals, there is only one starting point on Kadooment Day. Bands first parade through the National Stadium in a preselected, numbered order then follow an identical route to the end point (Spring Garden Highway).



What is the length of the Kadooment route and how long does the jump last?

The Kadooment route is roughly 10 km (6 miles). It takes roughly 6 to 7 hours to complete the jump.



Is there a rest stop on Kadooment Day?

Nope! So be prepared to wine, juk and wuk from the National Stadium straight to Spring Garden Highway.


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About Bazodee Magazine


Bazodee is a creatively unique Barbadian magazine, which seeks to look at Crop Over from a Barbadian point-of-view but with a visitor-oriented focus. Join us as we help you navigate through Barbados’ sweetest summer festival.

Visit our Facebook and Instagram pages for more #CropOverFacts, event photos and more!


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